Affiliated Organizations
Local Organizations
Liberty for Eastern Massachusetts Meets in Cambridge, Massachusetts, usually on a weekday evening, most recently at Pizza Uno's in Porter Square. Contact Jeff Chase (Planet Three <> or Rob Power (<>) Also in Cambridge, coming soon: "Drinking Freely" the Libertarian social club. Contact Rob Power for details.
Lowell Area Liberty Association meets the 4th Tuesday of each month at a Lowell-Billerica area restaurant. Contact Art Torrey <>
Pioneer Valley Libertarian Association Meets in Springfield, Massachusetts, the second Wednesday of the month, with dinner at 6:30 and a meeting starting at 7. Hu Ke Lau Restaurant, Chicopee, just off Exit 5 of the Mass Pike 413 250 6608 or for information
Worcester County Libertarian Association Now meeting the third Sunday of the month. Information: George Phillies, 508 754 1859.
Topical Organizations
Negotiations under way. Our friends at Outright Libertarians are in the process of organizing a state chapter.