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How To Join

Liberty for Massachusetts has three membership classes, Voting, Associate, and Corresponding.

The dues for all three classes are the same: $20 per year.  There is a $10 per year discount if you agree to receive communications from us electronically.  (In order to do this, we must have from you a valid email address.)

Voting Members and Associate Members live in Massachusetts.  Corresponding Members live outside Massachusetts.

Voting Members are entitled to vote in LfM Elections, and to hold offices for which they are elsewise eligible,  However, to become a Voting Member, you must agree that your name and address are available to every other Voting Member

 Associate Members also live inside Massachusetts. Liberty for Massachusetts holds in confidence the names and contact information of  Associate Members.

Print and Mail to Liberty for Massachusetts, 30 East Chestnut Street, Sharon MA 02067

Join Liberty for Massachusetts

Liberty for Massachusetts dues are only $20 per year ($10 per year if you agree to receive communications electronically). 

Your Name:

Your Volunteer Political Activism Interests:


Voting Address (You do not have to be a voter):


Mailing Address for LfM (or say ‘same’):


(Optional) Other Contact data:  Phones, Fax


Email (Not optional if you want the $10 Dues Discount)


Your Desired Membership Class:





Do you want the $10 dues discount for electronic members?

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